So where's the most unusual place you've ever had sexual relations?
In the back seat?
Betcha not a back seat like this.
It began when a Fernandina Beach, Florida couple were pulled over by a cop for--are you ready?--bicycling while drunk.
And how would a cop know whether a couple of people pedaling around the beach town were snockered? His first clue was when they were almost hit by a passing car.
The sheriff's deputy arrested them and put them in the back seat of his patrol car.
So, before he could haul them off to jail, they stripped and began copulating in the back of the cruiser.
The alarmed deputy yanked the naked guy out of the patrol car, but no sooner did he land on the pavement than Naked Dude promptly streaked away.
He was captured later and the couple were charged with resisting arrest with violence, committing a lascivious act, and exposing their sexual organs.
STRANGE FACT: While parading about naked in Florida can get you arrested, it depends on where you are. Fantasy Fest in Key West? No problem. Nude beach? Nudist resort? No sweat. Backseat of a cop car? Yeah, that's a problem.